I thought that in Spain we had those black and white mozzies that came in with ships carrying tyres quite a few years ago. I thought that they were Aedes aegypti or the Yellow fever mosquito. But now I see that Aedes albopictus is also out and about…..
Here in Grazalema I am trying to identify which one it is! Its black and white, flies in the daytime and is a biter! Picture attached.
But, I suppose we will only get yellow fever if???? They are breeding in the drains with the s*.. and the rats so I guess its only time before someone catches something from one of these critters!
I think that I can see the white stripe down the centre of the head Ludo Bird Club. So that should make it Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) as you suggest. The original one I posted above didn’t have the stripe which is why I am leaning towards the Aedes aegypti or the Yellow fever mosquito