Hi, I just came across Clive’s recent article about raccoons. https://wildsideholidays.co.uk/the-common-raccoon-procyon-lotor-in-spain/ I remember a few years ago seeing one in a car park not very far from Madrid. It was by a little stream rummaging around in the mud looking for bugs and stuff. Unfortunately back then I had no smart phone or camera! I remember thinking then though what an odd creature to see and guessed it had escaped from someone’s home.
This article from 2019 is interesting though! https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/madrid/2019-02-03/el-mapache-invade-madrid-814-capturas-y-eso-que-solo-habia-dos-hembras-en-2003_1796742
It says 814 have been captured that are offspring from just too escapees!!!!!!!
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