I’m not a one to normally rant in my articles and wildlife news briefs but this one provokes me to make a few harsh points. This is the second lynx in a week dead after being hit by a car on a road in Doñana in the Aljarafe-Doñana region.
“Kadir”, the lynx that died was the adult male territorial lynx of the area and was ten years old. “Kadir” was born in 2013 in La Puebla del Río (Seville) and during these ten years he has occupied different territories.
The animal died on the A-481 road, which connects the towns of Hinojos and Villamanrique, the same road where another lynx died last Monday.
I just came across a WWF petition to sign about road kills and furtive hunting of Lynx in Spain
Cada año mueren en España cerca de un centenar de linces atropellados en carreteras y a manos de furtivos. Ayúdanos a poner freno a las muertes del lince ibérico, el felino más amenazado del planeta. ¡Salva el futuro del lince ibérico con tu firma!